Introduction to Mental Skills Training

Mental Skills Training

A free lesson introducing the subject of Mental Skills Training:

  • Sources, latest research and uses of Mental Skills Training
  • Is Mental Skills Training effective?
  • What mental skills are the most important to athletes?
  • How do mental skills help athletes?
  • The common myths surrounding mental skills and athletes?
  • Which mental skills elite athletes have that others don't?

An interactive test your knowledge of Mental Skills is provided to help you evaluate your knowledge.

A forum is provided where you can ask questions about mental skills training. This forum is moderated by a Certified Mental Trainer from Mental Training Inc.

Only users enrolled in the course can post in the forum. Guests (unregistered users) can read the forums, but not post to them.

New users can signup for an "Introduction to Mental Skills"

Existing users can add the "Introduction to Mental Skills" to their existing courses